viernes, 15 de mayo de 2020


We are going to watch this video with the 2nd chapter of our books story.

I want you to write a SUMMARY of the story, here below, in the Comments

For this summary, I want you to write at least five sentences you listen in the video. If you write 10 or more sentences, I'll put the maximum mark. Try it!

17 comentarios:

  1. Hello teacher, I hope you are well
    The young detectives went by train to Foxton. A woman came in and Joey said, Take my seat and the woman said thanks. He was carrying a suitcase and Matt asked him: what's inside? And the woman answered: a seal. He took it to the museum. A woman asked him for the ticket and changed his suitcase. Matt was interested and said: we can see it, and the woman said Sure! When he opened it there was nothing. They called the police and investigated, but the thief left. They arrived at foxton and ......
    To be continue.

  2. Hello teacher Paco , hope all is well .
    The young detectives get on the train at nine o'clock anda al woman called Gloria get in the train too .-Get my sit- say Joey . -Thank you- say Gloria . Later the "ticket collector" get the case of Gloria. The ticket collector comes and say : -What's the problen? and Matt know : -The "ticket collector" is the rober !- Joey draw a picture of the ticket collector and the police say -Mmm i know that face- The children are in Foxton -Mr Rose isn't here- , say Annabelle. The young detectives see a picture that is in the museum and decided to go .
    To be continued. ...

  3. Hello teacher Paco
    The history i really liked it especially with Matt i Hope they cath the one that I stole the briefcase I am looking forward to seeing how It ends.
    It has to have something important un that briefcase

    To be continued...

  4. Hello Teacher
    Take my sit -say Joey.
    Thank you -say Gloria.
    What is inside?-say Matt.
    Inside there is a stamp very old.
    Ticketsss!-say "the tickets collector"
    Later, say Matt -Can we see the stamp?
    Okey -say Gloria.
    But the stamp isn,t stay.
    Ohhh -say Gloria.
    In this moment the train stop and the policeman asked the children.
    Joey draw at the tickets collector.

    The children go on the train to travel to Foxton at nine o´clock to search Mrs. Rose,on the train they meet a woman named Gloria,then the ticket colector asked about the tikets and steals the briefcase from Gloria. The children arrived at Foxton and they realized that Mrs. Rose wasn´t on the train but that she was in Foxton.

    to be continued...

  6. Hello teacher, I hope you are well.
    The young detectives go to the Foxton train at nine. Joe tells the woman to take a seat and the woman thanks him. Matt asked: What's in the bag? And the woman replied to Matt: a stamp that took him to the museum. The woman with the tickets exchanged his suitcase for another. At the time they opened the suitcase they realized that it was not theirs because there was nothing. Matt was interested in seeing it and said: can I see it? And the woman replied: Sure!
    They called the police and investigated.
    To be continue...

    1-Take my seat.
    2-Thank you.
    3-What is inside?
    4-Inside there is a stamp very old.
    6-Can we see the stamp?
    7-Okey say Gloria.
    9-We need the police.
    10-What's is the problem?

  8. Hello teacher SUMMARY: Two children travel on a train. A lady carries a briefcase and leaves it on the floor. Then, a man changes the briefcase and steals it. The supervisor appears and tells him what had happened. They decided to look for him in Foxton but they didn’t find him. To be continue...

  9. Hello teacher PACO :
    Youngs detectives: Gaia,Annabel,Joey and Matt cought a train at nine. Gloria came in,Joey lets him sit down.Joey asks her what she has in the suitcase. Gloria tells that she had a stamp that she takes from the museum. This stamp is the oldest in the wolrd. The tikets collector steals gloria suitcase. Joey pressed an emergency button. Later, a policeman entered into the train .Joey draws a picture to the policeman about the man who stole the stamp. They looked if the tagt collector left the train but they didn't find him. My favorite scene is when Joey draws the picture to the policeman.
    TO BE CONTINUE...Goodbay Teacher

  10. Hello teacher! I am Ana:
    The young detectives go to the station and a board the train. A woman arrives and Joey leaves her seat. She is called Gloria. Matt asks him: What´s in the suitcase? Gloria tells him what you stamps. At that moment the ticket collector arrives asking for tickets and changes Gloria´s suitcase. Matt asks Gloria if he can see her the stamps. When Gloria opens the suitcase there are not stamps.
    Matt presses the emergency button to stop the train and the ticket collector come. Matt remembers that he is not the same ticket collector as before. Then the police arrive and Joey draws the face of the other ticket collector. They arrive at Foxton Station and they see clues they discovered in the envelope from Mrs. Rose's house. They decide to follow the leads.

    Hello teacher! I am María:
    Young detectives continue to search for Mrs. Rose. They go to the station and get on the train. They meet a woman named Gloria, who has her suitcase stolen. In his suitcase she had very old stamps. The young detectives, discover that it has been the ticket collector, because when pushing the emergency button of the train, the true ticket collector arrived. They told him what had happened and later the police arrived. Joey draws the face of the other ticket collector.
    They get off at Foxton Station and find clues they discovered at Mrs. Rose's house. These tracks were from an art exhibition and the place where it was going to be held. They decide to follow the tracks on foot.

  11. Hello teacher! hope you are well. This is the sumary:
    In this story the Young detectives take a train to Foxton to look for Mrs Rose.In the train there is a woman called Gloria and she wears a yellow case and go to the museum because inside there is the oldest stamp in the world.Gloria opens the case to show the stamp to the children and there isn´t nothing inside Matt calls to the pólice and the train stop.Joey draws a picture of the robbery and he shows it to the pólice and the pólices leaves the train. When the chidren arrive to Foxton they don´t see Mrs Rose but they know she is there and go to Blooming Palace to find her

  12. Hello teacher
    1:It nine o`clock
    2:Can you open your suitcase
    3:The suitcase is empty
    4:Hove you can sit!
    6:Call the pólice
    7:Come Stap
    8:Yes ok
    9:The train is stop
    10:What is the problema?

  13. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  14. h teacher ! the children get on the train atnine o'clock to look a mister rouse when womannamed Gloria arrives whit a suitcase in her Joey gives him her place , Gloria sits down and puts her suitcase aside ,wen a girl passing by asking for the tikets stop and exchanges the suitcaise . when Gloria appened the sutcase Ohhhhh! it was empity the train stopped and the pólice arrived they examplined what had happened and after a few minutes they reached foxton and went to the blue room .
    And to continued.......


  15. Hello teacher ! I am Noelia
    The dectetives board the train from Foxton at 9 o'clock, to look for mrs Rose.She arribes in Glory and carries a suitcase with a stamp for the museum.She tells them the story and it is a very old stamp.
    When he opens the suitcase he is not there.
    Joey calls the police and gives him a description of a thief.
    They come to Foxton and see a sign that says Blooming Palace 500m.
    To be continue

  16. Hi teacher! The summary of this chapter is:
    The young detectives travel to Foxton by train to find Mrs Rous there. Theres is a woman in the train with a yellow case, she is called Gloria. In the case there are lot of the oldest stamps in the wold. A man changes the case an takes Gloria's case. Matt talks with the police and draws in a paper the robbery and the police goes to look for him. The children arrive in Foxton and go to Blooming Palace to continue looking for Mrs Rous.

  17. Hi teacher...
    the boys take the train to see mrs. rouse. A girl named Gloria gets on the train with a yellow suicase. Joey leaves her seat and they talk to her. When the reviewer passes, he changes his suitcase and Matt wants to see the stamps, he carries and Gloria realizes that they have changed her suitcase. The boys press the emergency button and a different reviewer comes. Matt describes what the other reviwer was to the police.
    When they get off the train, they look at all the travelers. They see the poster for the exhibition and a sign for Blooming Palace at 500 meters, and they walk.....


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